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The Lion program got some updates based on parent feedback:'s-New.pptx

Scott McKenzie shared a link.

The 2017-2018 Cub Scout Roundtable Planning Guide has finally been posted to the BSA Commissioner Roundtable Support webpage.

You will notice that the material in the CS RT Planning Guide is significantly different this year. Based on survey input, the National Cub Scouting Committee has modified the presentation style for the Cub Scout interest topics for this year. In order to improve communications throughout the pack leadership, it is recommended that all Cub Scout leaders attend the interest topic discussion together as a single group. This new method will provide everyone with the same information and will facilitate important discussion about these topics between all Cub Scout leaders. We recommend everyone try the new method to see how it works in your district. This will further validate any input you may have for future changes.

As always, the Cub Scout Roundtable Planning Guide provides suggested options for each council or district. The use of any specific topic is flexible based on the needs of the council or district. Each council or district may also select other topics that would be beneficial to the needs of the Cub Scout leaders in their respective council or district. 
Additional resource materials from the BSA can be used if the district chooses to utilize individual leader breakout sessions. The Philmont Cub Scout Roundtable Supplements are a great resource to consider for the breakout session model. These optional support materials will continue to be available on the Roundtable Commissioner Facebook Page and can be emailed to individuals upon request.

We understand that there will be a lot of opinions on this new format and the National Commissioner Service Team would like to collect your feedback to provide to the National Cub Scout Committee, who develops the program content for the CS RT Planning Guide. Please provide constructive comments only. If you like the new format, please say so and if there are additional things you would like to see in the program content please provide a description in your comments. We will also be conducting various surveys over the next several months to collect your input for future program content. Private emails can also be sent to…/cubscouts/…/510-714(17)_CS.pdf


Scott McKenzie
National Commissioner Service Roundtable Chair
National Commissioner Support Team


Emily Campbell
 uploaded a file.

As requested, your Philmont Cub Scout Roundtable Supplement for the October Roundtable. The theme this month is Cubs Give Thanks and a Scout is Reverent. I want to thank my team for coming up with this month's guide. New to this month's guide is the Committee Chair breakout with the topic of and how to change your pin! Thank you to those of you that have been asking questions and requests for specific subject matter. We do listen! Hope you have a great Roundtable next month!

The Philmont Cub Scout Roundtable Supplements October 2017 Cubs Give Thanks - A Scout is Reverent.pdf

BB1709 FNAL - Part I - Monthly Fun Stuff (Sep RT Thrifty Camping)

BB1709 FNAL - Part I - Monthly Fun Stuff (Sep RT Thrifty Camping).pdf

BB1709 FINAL - Part II - Admin & Training (Sep RT Thrifty Camping)

BB1709 FINAL - Part II - Admin & Training (Sep RT Thrifty Camping).pdf

BB1709 FINAL - Part III - Pack Meeting Helps (Sep RT Thrifty Camping)

BB1709 FINAL - Part III - Pack Meeting Helps (Sep RT Thrifty Camping).pdf

Your First Pack Meeting for Parents by Mike Walton (

YOUR FIRST PACK MEETING for Cubmasters Mark Diienno, Cubmaster Emeritus, Garden State Council, and a wise old OWL

Cub Scout Roundtable Planning Guide

Cub Scout Roundtable Planning Guide Update.

Commissioner Colleagues, The Final Cub Scout Roundtable Planning Guide is still not completed but we hope it will be out by the end of the month. There was an administrative error that occurred today where one of the previous versions of the Cub Scout Roundtable Planning Guide was inadvertently posted on the National BSA Roundtable Support Website. Please disregard this partial version. It is being taken down from the website but if someone forwards you a version without a date on the front cover (2017-2018) then it is not the correct version. There are multiple sections missing and other errors in the content of this version.


Interim Cub Scout Roundtable Guide Information.pdf

Scott McKenzie uploaded a file in the group: BSA Roundtable Commissioners.
August 12

Interim Cub Scout RT Guide Information


The current publisher is still having difficulties producing a quality product.

Attached is a PDF document for your use titled “Interim Cub Scout Roundtable Guide Information.”

This attachment includes the following information for use with September and October 2017 Cub Scout Roundtables:

1. An Explanation of the new presentation format developed by the National Cub Scout Committee.
2. A List of the Draft Cub Scout Interest Topics for 2017-2018 developed by the National Cub Scout Committee.
3. A List of the Approved Big Rock Topics for all Roundtables for 2017-2018.
4. Two initial Draft Cub Scout Interest Topics for your use. These topics are the draft contents submitted to the publisher by the National Cub Scout Committee which is responsible for the program content of the Cub Scout Roundtable Guide. These topics include, (1) Leader Recruitment and (2) The New Member Coordinator.

As always, the Cub Scout Roundtable Guide provides suggested options for each council or district. The use of any specific Interest Topic is flexible based on the needs of the council or district. Each council or district may also select other topics that would be beneficial to the needs of the Cub Scout Leaders in their respective council or district.

Please continue to refer to the BSA Commissioner Roundtable Support Website for the official posting of the 2017-2018 Cub Scout Roundtable Guide when it is available from the publisher. We will also post it on the Commissioner Facebook pages.

Even after the publication of the 2017-2018 Cub Scout Roundtable Guide we will continue to provide some additional optional materials for your Roundtables, including The Philmont Cub Scout Roundtable Supplements and other ideas at the BSA Roundtable Commissioner’s Facebook Page.

We will be providing a separate post for positive and constructive input regarding what you would like to see in the 2018-2019 Roundtable materials.

Yours in Scouting & Commissioner Service,


Scott McKenzie | National Commissioner Service Roundtable Chair
National Commissioner Support Staff

National BSA Registration Fee Increase Effective December 1st 2017


2017–2018 Pack Meeting Plans


Scott MacKenzie's post asking for input for next year's Roundtable Guides

Input for 2018-2019 Roundtable Materials


The National BSA Roundtable Task Force is looking for your input on what you would like to see included in the 2018-2019 Roundtable Guides and other Roundtable support materials for Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, and Venturing.

Cub Scouts:
1. The National Cub Scout Committee plans to provide additional topics next year for your use in their new recommended format with all Cub Scout Leaders meeting together to discuss topics that relate to the entire Pack and does not plan to have individual breakout sessions for Den Leaders, Cubmasters and Pack Committee members.
2. The Philmont Roundtable Supplements can continue in its current or a modified format if requested.

Boy Scouts: The Boy Scout RT Guide will continue as currently constituted.

Venturing: We will be creating a totally new update this year with current Venturing Program Updates.

We invite you to also send emails with your thoughts to

This is an opportunity for you to impact the future of Roundtable Materials. Please be constructive and respectful with your comments. Remember we are all volunteers with other full-time responsibilities besides Scouting.

Yours in Scouting & Commissioner Service,


Scott McKenzie | National Commissioner Service Roundtable Chair
National Commissioner Support Staff

Emily Campbell's post with the August Philmont RT Supplement

Every Roundtable Commissioner looks to improve their Roundtables by asking the Units they serve what they can do better. A question I always pose to the Cub Scout Units I serve is "When do you require your Boys to earn their badge of rank?". This helps me focus my breakout sessions to help Unit leaders with the skills needed to have their Boys earn that badge of rank in the time frame set by the Pack. So, your homework for your next Roundtable ask this question and submit what the MAJORITY of your units do. This will help me with the next round of Philmont Cub Scout Roundtable Supplements. Thank you in advance!

Cub Scout Unit Rank Questions





Past Issues:

August 2017 FRIENDLY



MAY 2017 - CLEAN
















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